Monday, March 21, 2011

The Saramaccan Kid

"He doesn't need help, he's a Saramaccan kid!"--Kwami

Well, I guess I've finally been culturally accepted. Out in the woods, walking across some logs which were suspended like a makeshift bridge over a creek, my counterpart told another Saramaccan man not to help me cross, I could do it myself. And all the practicing of balancing myself on the sides of canoes finally paid off and I crossed several logs during the our 7 hour trek without any assistance. It was quite an interesting trek out into the forest this time around. Recently, the nature trail has been pretty lively and I've seen a lot of animals and tracks out on the path. This time around, I saw a long, black Yellow-bellied keel snake, an armadillo, spotted the scent of a howler monkey and the tracks of some deer--both of which we attempted to track, and came across a potential meal when we saw a tasty local, black bird resting on a tree branch 30 yards ahead of us. There's talk in the village of a 2 to 3 day trek through the jungle with the men before I leave Suriname.

My time here in Suriname is beginning to come to an end. As of Tuesday, I will have exactly 5 months left before I leave Gunzi. Some of my fellow Peace Corps volunteers will be leaving two to three months before I do. As my time comes to a close I am trying to wrap up a few things that have been started--a trash management project, distributing condoms to the boatmen, computer lessons, the radio program and painting the last World map at the Tutubuka school. But most importantly I am trying to enjoy my remaining time here in Suriname.

Since returning from Trinidad, things have been going pretty slow. I hung out with two tourists who I met at the airport in Trinidad and wanted to come visit the interior. Since they left, I've been listening to a lot of Kings of Leon and watched Seinfeld season 6 over the course of 3 nights.

Soon, I will finally be getting some visitors to Suriname. A friend I made in Trinidad will be coming to visit me in early April and then my mom will be visiting in late April-early May. My village is pretty excited to meet mom and is already lecturing me about keeping the area around my house clean.

This week I go into the city for my last Peace Corps conference--the Close of Service. Although I'm going to miss Suriname, I'm excited to be moving forward, travelling after Peace Corps and going back to family and friends in the States.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited about visiting Suriname and meeting all the villagers. We can work together to spruce up your hut--I'll bring a few pillows and scented candles. --Mom
